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Market Survey: Industrial managers call for more green power – renewable energies set to be a key location factor of the future

PoliticsMarket Survey: Industrial managers call for more green power - renewable energies set to be a key location factor of the future

Berlin (ots)– For Germany as a business location, the rapid expansion of renewable energies is critical for the future: for 70 percent of companies planning investments in the next five years, the availability of green power is already central to the investment decision. And, according to 90 percent of the around 250 top managers of companies surveyed in Germany, its importance will continue to grow. The survey was conducted by the “The Transatlantic Sun & Wind Belt” initiative together with the research institute Kantar. From October to December 2022, around 250 decision-makers from international corporations and large SMEs were surveyed.

“Without the rapid expansion of renewable energies, Germany as a business location will lose its appeal in international competition,” said Milan Nitzschke, Co-Founder of the transatlantic business initiative Sun & Wind Belt. Companies complain that regulation remains too complicated and see a lack of political will to implement it. Overall, executives rate Germany in the mid-range compared to international competition for renewable energy. “In view of the rapid progress being made in other countries, such as the current multi-billion investment program in the U.S., this assessment is likely to deteriorate even further very soon,” Nitzschke added. “The surprisingly positive consequence: 75 percent of survey participants want to take the expansion into their own hands and invest in their own renewable expansion.”

The survey also allows conclusions to be drawn about how regional attractiveness for companies is changing. Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania occupy the top three places among the German states with the best conditions for the rapid expansion of renewable energies. From the companies’ point of view, this also means the best chances of attracting investors for new locations. In contrast, the southern German states are at a disadvantage.

The details of the survey can be found here.


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About the Sun & Wind Belt

The Transatlantic Sun & Wind Belt is the first German-U.S. business initiative to promote the acceleration of the transition to renewable energies and the green transformation more broadly, aiming to drive in-depth cooperation between the United States and Europe. Founded in 2021, the group has gained support and engaged participation from the largest private sector actors in the renewable energy sector on both sides of the Atlantic. With the goal of establishing a stable and transparent joint regulatory framework that prioritizes renewable energy, the Sun & Wind Belt initiates dialogue with political stakeholders and promotes the exchange of expertise, best practices, and investment between the U.S. and Germany—the two largest market-based leaders in renewable energy development and deployment.

Contact: Sophia Tischinger – Phone +49 151 287 156 76
Mail s.tischinger@sunandwindbelt.com

Original content of: The Transatlantic Sun&Wind Belt, transmitted by news aktuell

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