On 24 February 2022, Russian forces began a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. In the face of this unprovoked and unjustifiable aggression, the EU has been standing firmly by Ukraine every step of the way.
Over the past two years, the EU has led international efforts to support Ukraine in the short and long term and to hold Russia accountable for its crimes. Our actions for Ukraine include:
- providing support worth over €88 billion. This includes around €28 billion to address military and defence needs on the ground
- launching a new support mechanism which will provide up to €50 billion in loans and grants. This will help Ukraine to rebuild after the war and to make reforms on its path to EU membership
- giving the green light to start negotiations for Ukraine to join the EU
- introducing many wide-ranging sanctions against Russia and its supporters, including a 13th package that has been adopted on 23 February 2024
Ukraine’s resistance today stands as a beacon of hope for freedom-loving people everywhere. It has demonstrated remarkable resilience, embodying the strength of a nation fighting for European values of freedom and democracy.
After two long years, our conviction remains unwavering that Ukraine will prevail, with Europe standing by its side as long as it takes.
Source: European Commission (Directorate-General for Communication)